Ion Stirrer 负离子搅棒
Airboom Ion Stirrer Makes Water Molecules Becomes Smaller
FDA Test Report for Stirrer
Water Molecule and Science
Absorption spectra of gaseous, liquid and solid water
The water absorption spectrum is very complex. Water's vapor spectroscopy has been recently reviewed [348]. The water molecule may vibrate in a number of ways. In the gas state, the vibrations [607] involve combinations of symmetric stretch (v1), asymmetric stretch (v3) and bending (v2) of the covalent bonds with absorption intensity (H216O) v1;v2;v3 = 0.07;1.47;1.00 [8]. The stretch vibrations of HD16O refer to the single bond vibrations, not the combined movements of both bonds.

Blood condition has been improved after 15 minutes
drinking Airboom Energy Water

Before Drinking Airboom Energy Water


After Drinking Airboom Energy Water

Main vibrations of water isotopologues


v1, cm-1

v2, cm-1

v3, cm-1


























Shown opposite are the main vibrations occurring in water. The movements are animated using the cursor. The dipole moments change in the direction of the movement of the oxygen atoms as shown by the arrows. As the H-atoms are light, the vibrations have large amplitudes.
The water molecule has a very small moment of inertia on rotation which gives rise to rich combined vibrational-rotational spectra in the vapor containing tens of thousands to millions of absorption lines. In the liquid, rotations tend to be restricted by hydrogen bonds, giving the librations. Also, spectral lines are broader causing overlap of many of the absorption peaks.

Water's ion pairs?
The water molecule is often described in school and undergraduate textbooks of as having four, approximately tetrahedrally arranged, sp3-hybridized electron pairs, two of which are associated with hydrogen atoms leaving the two remaining lone pairs. In a perfect tetrahedral arrangement the bond-bond, bond-lone pair and lone pair-lone pair angles would all be 109.47° and such tetrahedral bonding patterns are found in condensed phases such as hexagonal ice.

Ab initio calculations on isolated molecules, however, do not confirm the presence of significant directed electron density where lone pairs are expected. The negative charge is more evenly concentrated along the line between where these lone pairs would have been expected, and lies closer to the center of the O-atom than the centers of positive charge on the hydrogen atoms.

Early 5-point molecular models, with explicit negative charge where the lone pairs are purported to be, fared poorly in describing hydrogen bonding, but a recent TIP5P model shows some promise. Although there is no apparent consensus of opinion [116], such descriptions of substantial sp3-hybridized lone pairs in the isolated water molecule should perhaps be avoided, as an sp2-hybridized structure (plus a pz orbital) is indicated. This rationalizes the formation of (almost planar) trigonal hydrogen bonding that can be found around some restricted sites in the hydration of proteins and where the numbers of hydrogen bond donors and acceptors are unequal.

Note. This cartoon of water does not
represent its actual outline, which is
more rotund.
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Eric (Selangor)
我们一家人去槟城旅行,我们拜访朋友,在他家里住了四天三夜。这四天当中发生了很奇怪的事,就是他们整家人都不舒服。我朋友说起初是由他而起,接着传给太太,再来就是他们孩子,几乎他们全家人都受感染。同时我们也担心受到感染,但是在这其中我们一家人并没有事情,我们大人没有感染或许是因为我们比较强壮,但是孩子的抵抗力往往是比较弱的,是什么原因让孩子们不被感染呢?这时我在想莫非跟我们用的AIR-BOOM有关系,因每个孩子身上的水壶都有一支(IONSTIRRER)浸在里面,因我们用这个产品已有一年多了,所以他提升了我们大家的抵抗力,能使我们不受感染,之后我便介绍了此产品给我朋友用。Iris (Selangor)
有stirrer真好!!Mdm. Wong
Anak saya Nurul sabrina Izzati mewakili sekolah pertandingan Tilawah Al-quran peringkat daerah Papar.pada 7 hb julai 2009..pada mulanya anak saya merasa takut dan gementar..untuk bertanding..sebagai seorang ayah ingin anaknya berjaya. saya terus bekalkan motivasi..dan menyarankan anak saya membawa 'Ion Stirrer' ke dalam poket baju sekolah masa bertanding.dan anak saya bertambah semangat..Dengan izin Allah tidak menduga anak saya JOHAN PAPAR dan juga JOHAN PERINGKAT PANTAI BARAT SELATAN.*DAN AKAN BERTANDING PADA BULAN NOV 2009 MASUK PERINGKAT NEGERI.saya amat gembira sekali dan mengucapkan jutaan terimakasih kepada syarikat Air-boom.
我脸上的皮肤问题已经有十多年了。还常到美容院洗脸使自己的脸美丽起来,却不知原来问题是缺乏喝水!两三天后脱皮的问题还是回来。使我很烦恼。其实开始时,我是半信半疑的。后来了解多了,也看了很多人用了AIRBOOM之后写的见证和看了一本关于水的好书(正确喝出好水的能量),了解到当人体缺乏足够的水分时,皮肤就会脱水。当人体长时间缺乏足够的水分时,血液就会浓稠起来,血液循环就会缓慢,皮肤就会脱水。因为当人体缺乏水分时,人体里就会调节水分给重要的器官以维持生命。以前不懂得水对人体很重要,所以常常喝水不多,长时间缺乏足够的水分导致脸上皮肤严重脱水,而自己却不知道。能量水(NanoStirrer)我喝了大约两三个星期(每天约3.5litle),我脸上的皮肤看上去已容光焕发。这使我更了解到水对人体是非常重要。如今我每天都喝大量的能量水。喝能量水配合AIR BOOM效果会更好。谢谢AIR BOOM 自然疗法。Steve
我是一位在巴刹卖豆腐阿婶,自从手术开刀生了3个小孩后, 造成了脊椎骨后遗症的病痛,也影响了我在每天开裆的时候, 脊椎骨就像被针刺到,痛得无法站立一整天.有天,我朋友周秀 襄女士介绍我使用\'Air Boom 和 Ion Stirrer\'.尝试后,才慢慢感 觉到脊椎骨没像之前那么的刺痛,慢慢康复中.真的很感谢 \'Air Boom 和 Ion Stirrer\'这产品,使我再也没这烦恼了.周秀襄: 吉隆
I am Michael, ID# MY 28657, from Miri, Sarawak. I have just joined air-boom as a silver for few weeks. Last two days, I have faced ulser in my mouth. So, I tried putting the ‘Ion Stirrer into my mouth’ . In two days time, I felt much more better. Thanks for Nano! The products have given me much help in my daily life. And now I don’t need to always depends on medication. I will continue to tell people about Nano!