NanoTwister 负离子省油圈

The basic concept of the internal combustion engine

Engine operation, the air entering the intake manifold and exhaust nozzle atomization of a mixture of gasoline mixed oil and gas, in the intake valves to the combustion chamber under the control, compressed issued by the spark plug sparks lit explosion, and then push the piston and generate power, burning a mixture of oil and gas after the exhaust valve and then sent by the exhaust pipe emissions into the atmosphere.


Gas pipe

Shower Pipe

Fuel and Air-cond Pipe


Change of RPM after fixed on Nano Twister to fuel pipe




USD 70.00 (AB003)

How to make the engine life expectancy:
If gasoline almost complete combustion, the engine to reduce the number of carbon deposition on the relative and thus reduce the carbon content of oil, then oil will be pure, crankshaft piston and cylinder wall to reduce friction between, making the engine temperature is not caused by over-temperature metamorphism gasoline to extend the oil and engine life, relative to the increase in horsepower, engine running smoother and accelerate more smoothly and no longer need to spend to buy expensive high-priced oil, on weekdays only to maintain "intake valve throat" of cleaner and more may be growth engines for the use of life.

Increased horsepower reasons: the original engine design - 150
100 percent of gasoline injected into the engine room, the burning rate of 80 percent - the actual horsepower = 150 * 0.80 = 120
100 percent of gasoline injected into the engine room, the burning rate of 95 percent - the actual horsepower = 150 * 0.95 = 142

Learn knock (Knocking)
Inside the cylinder combustion process, such as flame propagation rate of occurrence of the phenomenon of spontaneous combustion, the combustion chamber in which the pressure waves generated relative, when the pressure wave and the combustion chamber around a few collisions, so that the cylinder wall vibration, which caused similar percussion Block's voice, such a phenomenon is known as [knock].

Ion Twister Thin Pack 负离子软圈
Flexible , soft and multi purpose usage.

Saya memperkenalkan air boom dan twister kepada mertua saya yang berumur 78 tahun. sebulan yang lalu beliau berjalan menggunakan tongkat kerana kedua-dua belah kaki sentiasa berasa sakit dan kebas.Setelah dia menggunakan airboom dan twister tersebut selama 2 hari sahaja, dia boleh sudah berjalan tidak menggunakan tongkat dan dapat membersihkan kawasan halaman rumah. Dia berasa amat bersyukur dan mengucapkan terima kasih kepada air boom. Airboom sungguh luar biasa.
From Hjh Norbayah Yambang Tawau.Sabah.
I was unable to stand for too long hours, both my legs were pain and swelling. My sister introduced Ion Twister Thin Pack to me recently. I tied it to my legs for about 2 weeks, the pain has gone and swelling has reduced. Now I can stand for longer hours. Many thanks to Air-Boom product !From : Shirley ( K.L. )
My left arm was suffering from pain for quite some time, the pain was unbearable, I could not carry heavy thing and raise my hand too. My sister introduced Ion Twister Thin Pack to me and I tied it to my left arm for half an hour to one hour each time. After 3 to 4 weeks, the pain has reduced and I can raise my hand and carry heavy things now. Thanks to Air-Boom company which produces this product that helps many people relieved from pains.From : Madam Loh ( Penang )
我现在是两个小孩的母亲, 自从生了大儿子我就常常腰酸背痛。 五年后再生小女孩时, 佣人因家里发生事故而要回家乡。 因此我必须自己做家务, 两只手更是开始酸痛。 朋友介绍之下我开始用 Air-Boom 产品。 两条 Twister 每晚挷在手腕睡觉。 这帮助我减了手痛的烦恼, 一片 Air-Boom 放在下背骨, 腰酸背痛也因此不再有了。 有一天, 我的美容伙伴与我分享这 Air-Boom 能减肥, 只须把两片 Air-Boom 放在肚腩!对于刚刚生产了四个月的我, 不考虑就立刻行动。 当两三个星期后我还没见有什么效果时, 奇妙的是这些年来(从我少女到现在生产后)我每个月来月经都会肚子痛和腰背酸痛, 特别在首一两天; 但因想减肥就放了 Air-Boom, 现在没有感觉肚子痛和腰背酸痛了。 感谢上帝, 让我找到拿么好的产品 Air-Boom!Christina
前几天晚上,爸爸突然觉得右手掌麻痹与感觉疼痛,于是便放了一片airboom在右手掌上和用 twister thin pack卷在手指之间。隔天,经过医生证实爸爸已有中风的现象,而且心脏血管也阻塞了。所以便将 airboom放在靠近胸口的衣袋,晚上睡觉更将 airboom放在枕头下以靠近后颈。五天后的今天,爸爸的右手已不再疼痛了。但愿不久之后,医生能证实(中风)已远离爸爸了! 太好了!Amy!!sibu,
Last two week my daughter friends introduce me airboom product. She said it will help to relieve pain on our body. Without hesistate I bought a piece of airboom & nano twister. On one day, after I lift some heavily stuff my hand have a great pain, I can't sleep good that night. Finally i remember about a nano twister, i put it on my hand, after the next morning i feel no pain on my hand anymore. That's cool ! Thanks airboom.
From, Madam Ting
我的脚板痛了一年多,医生说了种种的猜测,对我的脚底做针灸、推拿也不能医治。而且,每天都要在家穿比较 Soft 的 Shoe 才可行路。 最近我的脚又扭伤,又加倍脚底的疼痛一个又一个来,没办法,找医生看,医生说扭伤胫骨。看了一个星期, 而且, 每天都要到医馆换药。很麻烦也浪费了很多时间,费用也不小。只是,红肿疼痛还在。 一天, 我弟妇的朋友拿了Nano Twister Thin-Pack 给我试用。 说也奇怪, 大约两天的时间, 红肿消退了、疼痛也少了。几天后,我已经可以像以前走路了。也要谢谢air-boom ,让我改善了一年的不适。STEVE: 吉隆坡ATTN: ( Mrs.Loh )
大家好!因为坐姿不好的关系,所以我有背痛的毛病。买了AirBoorm后,睡觉的时候我将它放在背后。开始的时候还没感觉什么,一个月后,我发现背痛越来越少发作了,人越变的比较精神。除此之外,我还有便秘的毛病。现在每天都喝AirBoom能量水,感觉通畅无阻。至于NanoTwister,我装在shower pipe, 出来的水感觉就好像是瀑布里的水。洗澡后特别舒服,疲劳都消失了。感谢Air-Boom公司的好产品。
Malaysia / Mr.Tan 叙述 / Mr.Ku 记录 / 27.07.09
我是美里 SARAWAK 的鄭先生 , 是一名市場行銷員.我的工作是每天都須要去見客戶,所以我的車油費用一個月大約是一千零吉左右.這個費用真的給我一些壓力,但最近經過朋友介紹 NANO TWISTER , 佷惊訝的...原來打滿一桶油缸的車只能跑 300/KM , 現在卻能到達 385/KM , 大約節省了 20%. 真的佷神奇! ( MY25443 ) 由于我的工作非常的忙碌,也工作得佷夜,所以忘了把家里的魚缸換水.有一天回到家的時后, 看見我的九只魚已經翻肚浮上了水面, 幸好的! 有兩只還有生命跡像,但身体已經生了好多白點和尾巴也爛了.這時我赶去換水,但我知道希望非常眇茫 , 就在這時后想起朋友借我的 AIR BOOM 有能量 , 負縭子和遠紅外線的工能 , 我就把它丟進剛換好的水里.兩天后,我的那兩只魚恢復的像之前那麼的漂亮,而且活到了今天.謝謝 AIR BOOM.
John Zhang
砂劳越my09735 Hii S
我的朋友Annie Chong 介绍我Nano Twister。 她告诉我Nano Twister可以用在GAS桶的Pipe,也可以安装在车上,我听了也觉得很好奇,所以我就买了Nano Twister装在我的车子里。用过了后,我觉得车子驾得很顺,而且很省油。(Mdm Chong Jin Nee, Tawau, Sabah)
由于家族遗传,我一家七口的发质都是又粗又厚的,每天都要花不少钱让三个女儿和自己去烫电离子。自从我用了twister,把它绑在花洒冲凉。洗头后,我们都感觉到发质变软了,而且就算不去擦油也不会乱了。更开心的是,皮肤也变得美白,没汗味了。感谢公司,希望那些有这样烦恼的人能像我们一样摆脱千丝的问题。(Mai Tiew, my 07824)
我本人是一位家庭主妇,育有一男一女,两个孩子都令我感到精疲力尽。原因是老大时常很容易发烧,伤风,发热气,老二则有皮肤敏感的问题。自从我经过妹妹认识了airboom与twister后,以上的烦恼减少了。老公也不再为了他们的诊费操心了。看到孩子们用了airboom能量水一段时间后,改善了他们的抵抗力与健康,我衷心的感谢公司。(Bee Swan, my10142)
生了孩子后,我肥胖了一大圈。人胖怕热,汗水自然多。汗臭味,狐臭也跟着来了。多年来,我每天要换好几件衣服,用药性肥皂洗澡,擦药性的粉。经过我先生脚痛用airboom有效后,我对nano energy 产品十分信任。于是再卖1个nano twister绑在shower pipe,自此我的汗臭味,狐臭也大大改善了。在此我衷心感谢nano twister给了我的帮助。(Ms Kok, JB, my23930)
我是通过朋友Eileen介绍才知道airboom twister & nano guard 产品。由于了解负离子、高能量及远红外线的功效,我毫不犹豫的买了它。在短短的一天内,我感到了以下的改善:
1) 原本有便秘的问题得到了改善
2) 胃酸痛的症状减轻了
3) 在冷气房,皮肤不再干燥。
Ms. Lam (my 10783)
我通过我老婆认识到airboom,看它好像一片rubber的样子,我也是半信半疑的勉强应酬了她。有一天,我打算回乡去清明扫墓。放工后,就驾车从JB到巴生。以前我也时常开夜车,总是还没有到air keroh,眼睛就不听使唤,想睡觉了。怎么知道这次我只是把airboom放在衣袋里,就给我精神百倍到巴生。来回的旅程是那么得轻松。
Siew Kim Peow, Kota Masai, JB, 16/04/2009
Andy KK Sabah
文莱,凯蒂 April, 2009
经期痛”是一般女性的通病,我也不例外。在朋友热情的邀约之下,听了AIRBOOM的讲解。只凭着一句:哪里痛就放哪里,我好奇地将它放在小腹处,姑且一试。竟然应验了Mr.Soon所说的——20至30分钟后,痛处开始减轻甚至消失,疗程始于2至3个小时。感谢AirBoom, 让我也早富了多位女性朋友。
Ah Mei, SIBU
我的车是kia naza citra,2000cc.我打RM60的油可以走500km,自从我装了nano Twister之后,只需RM30就可走580km,省了好多。之前RPM3000时速100km,现在RPM时速110km。