
Ion Ankle Band


 AirBoom Ion AnkleBand孕妇专用脚带》

AirBoom Ion AnkleBand For Pregnant Women
Effectively eliminate and prevent;
Specially made for pregnant women having leg edema, paralysis, numbness, cramps, weakness, swelling of varicose artery before and after delivery.


★静脉曲张(又称: 静脉栓塞):由于受到子宫日渐增大所造成的压迫,血管系统产生了倒循怀,即所谓静脉曲张。通常好发于下肢及外阴部,甚至痔疮所形成的原因均是。随着怀孕的进程,会加重其程度。改善之道,若早期就发生,应立即使用弹性袜子,多休息,有机会就抬腿休息,即可改善不适。若是防部的静脉曲张,则应穿较宽松的内衣裤,避免摩擦造成破裂。



Ankle Pain/sprain
Do your ankles hurt anytime you walk? Are they worse first step in the morning? Maybe you have a history of ankle sprains or even broken ankles. Have you been told you have ankle arthritis? Have you been told you need surgery or might even need your ankles fused? This condition is not that abnormal. In fact, many people are often not given many options for pain in the ankles all the time (chronic ankle pain).

What is an ankle sprain?
The bones of the ankle are stabilized by rope-like structures called ligaments. There are four main ligaments around the ankle. One group of three ligaments is located on the outer (lateral) side of the ankle. It is called the lateral ligament complex. The other ligament is located on the inner (medial) side of the ankle. It is a thick ligament called the deltoid ligament. An ankle sprain is a stretching or tearing of these ligaments. Ankle sprains are relatively common, and lateral ankle sprains are more common than medial ankle sprains.

What does an ankle sprain feel like?
At the time of the injury, there may be a cracking or tearing sound. Mild to severe pain usually follows rapidly, followed by swelling and, in severe cases, inability to weight-bear. Often there is discoloration or bruising around the injured area. The ability to move the ankle through its normal range of motion may be limited by swelling and pain. When these ligaments are stretched or torn, the ankle may become unstable, and movement of the ankle joint becomes less controlled.

How are ankle sprains detected?
The assessment of an ankle sprain requires an accurate determination of the events that surrounded the injury and a physical examination of the injured ankle, including special tests of the ligaments. In more severe cases where swelling is excessive, the injured ankle may need to be evaluated again at a later date in order to adequately assess the integrity of the ankle ligaments. Ankle sprains may be classified into one of three categories: Grade 1, Grade 2, and Grade 3. Grade 1 ankle sprains involve stretching of the ankle ligaments. Grade 2 ankle sprains involve stretching and partial tearing of the ligaments. Finally, Grade 3 ankle sprains, the most severe, involve complete tearing of the ligaments.

Can an ankle sprain be detected on X-rays?
Damage to the ankle ligaments cannot be seen on x-rays. However, x-rays may be required to ensure that a fracture (broken bone) has not occurred. Other diagnostic tests, such as bone scans, CT scans or MRI's, are not usually required in the majority of ankle sprains.

How are ankle sprains treated?
The treatment of an ankle sprain depends on the severity of the injury. Each treatment plan should be individualized. Initially protection (by use of crutches and/or a brace), rest, ice, compression and elevation (PRICE) of the injured ankle will help reduce pain and/or swelling. Medications may also be required to help reduce pain and swelling.

After an ankle sprain the long-term goal is to return the individual back to their previous level of activity. Achieving this goal will depend on the function and stability of the ankle. A general rehabilitation program, which includes strengthening exercises, flexibility exercises, aerobic conditioning, technique refinement and proprioceptive (biofeedback) retraining, is the most important factor in improving ankle function and stability. Stability may be improved by an ankle brace.