media which is an infection
of the middle ear |
Infection of the ear canal,
outer ear and the skin
around the outer ear and
canal |
Mastoiditis which is an
infection of bone behind the
ear. It might create a
swelling from an over-sized
lymph node |
Problems in the ear drum |
externa or swimmer’s ear
which is an infection of the
outer ear and ear canal |
Temporomandibular joint
syndrome which affects the
jaw joint and causes pain
and tenderness |
Blockage in the Eustachian
tube which might be the
result of cold or flu |
Toothache and ear pain in
the same side |
Barotrauma which is
experienced just after an
air trip. This is also known
as airplane ear |
infection in the ear canal
which form a pimple in the
ear |
up wax or fluid in the ear
canal |
Otosclerosis is an unusual
formation of a bone in the
ear. It blocks the three
tiny bones from vibrating
and it cause loss of hearing |